ACO Implementation

Is participation or creation of an Accountable Care Organization right for you?

As the Medicare population grows by leaps and bounds, there is potentially great opportunity in a partnership with Medicare to become an Accountable Care Organization. This complex population must be well managed to avoid a skyrocketing cost of health care; one which, if left unmanaged, will be unsustainable.

A OnePartner client was able to implement an ACO which became one of the top performing ACO’s in the nation, achieving a year one savings of $13.9M. OnePartner assisted their success by providing the tools to:

  • Identifying high risk patients
  • Reduce hospital admissions and re-admissions
  • Identify inefficiencies, duplicate tests and high-spend services
  • Drive services and referrals to high quality, low cost facilities & providers

OnePartner has a track record of success in assisting clients with answering this question. We partner with you to evaluate your practice and your capabilities, your market, your patient mix and other key factors and provide you with a full picture of whether or not this strategy is right for you!